


Recently, there have been several changes in the organization of the UK Visa application process, and a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the application of these changes. The UK embassy in China operates several Visa application centers across the country, including a registered Visa application center in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. However, with the current changes affecting the UK visa application process, the Embassy and the visa centers have undergone massive restructuring. This article aims to highlight the various changes and their effects on visa applicants in China.

The UK Visa Center Restructuring

In recent months, the UK embassy in China has undergone major restructuring, which has seen several diplomat staff being re-positioned or transferred to other countries. These changes have not only affected the staff within the embassy but have also affected the setup of the UK Visa Application Centers. One of the main changes that had a significant impact was the closure of the Dundee-based Teleperformance Visa Service Center, which led to the relocation of four other UK Visa Application centers.

The Impact of the Changes on Visa Application Processing

Despite the presence of other UK visa application centers, the closure of the Dundee-based center has led to a backlog in visa applications, especially in China, where there are already long wait times for appointments. Although UK visa application services are now transferred to other centers, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Chengdu, the impact of the postponement and processing delays cannot be ignored. Therefore, it is advisable for applicants to apply well in advance of travel dates to ensure that their applications are processed in due time.

Other Changes Affecting the Application Process

Other factors affecting the UK visa application process include new policies within the embassy, changes in visa application fees, and extended processing times due to Brexit. According to reports, the UK visa application fees have increased significantly since the beginning of the year, and there has been no formal statement regarding a waiver for students who intend to study in the UK. Given these factors, it is essential that visa applicants keep an eye on any new policies that may affect their applications.

The Brexit Situation

The Brexit situation has also had a significant impact on the visa application process, with the UK embassy in China prioritizing UK citizens and their families when it comes to visa applications. This prioritization means that visa applicants’ processing times have been significantly prolonged in recent months. Additionally, with the Brexit situation still uncertain, it is important that visa applicants stay up to date with any changes that may occur, as these could significantly alter the visa application process.


The changes and uncertainties surrounding the UK visa application process may lead to several challenges for visa applicants, including long wait times and increased application fees. Therefore, it is essential that applicants remain vigilant in keeping up to date on new policies and changes that affect the application process. The UK embassy in China must provide enough support as necessary to ensure that applicants’ applications are processed promptly.

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