澳洲绿卡在美国工作签证,Australian Permanent Residency for Employment in the US



Australian permanent residency is a status granted to non-citizens who have been living in Australia on a temporary visa for an extended period and meets certain eligibility criteria. Once a person obtains permanent residency, they can live, work and study in Australia indefinitely. However, many people wonder whether their Australian permanent residency status can be used for employment in other countries such as the United States.

Australian Permanent Residency and US Work Visas

Although Australian permanent residency grants you the right to live and work in Australia permanently, it does not automatically allow you to work in the United States. The United States has its immigration laws, and non-citizens must apply for a work visa if they wish to work in the country. If you’re interested in working in the United States, you will need to obtain a work visa such as the H-1B visa or the L-1 visa.

The H-1B Visa

The H-1B visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows US companies to employ foreign workers in specialty occupations that require theoretical or technical expertise. Individuals who hold a Bachelor’s degree or higher are eligible to apply for an H-1B visa. However, obtaining an H-1B visa can be challenging as there are only a limited number of visas available each year, and the application process is highly competitive. If you’re interested in working in the United States using an H-1B visa, it is best to consult an immigration attorney.

The L-1 Visa

The L-1 visa is another type of work visa that allows multinational companies to transfer employees from their foreign offices to the United States. To qualify for an L-1 visa, you must have been employed by the foreign office for at least one year within the past three years, and your employment in the United States must be in an executive, managerial, or specialized knowledge capacity. The L-1 visa also has its unique challenges, and it is imperative to consult an immigration attorney if you’re interested in pursuing this visa.

Benefits of Australian Permanent Residency

While Australian permanent residency does not automatically allow you to work in the United States, it does offer several benefits. Firstly, Australian permanent residency is a valuable status that adds to your profile. It demonstrates that you have already been assessed for character and credentials, and you have met specific eligibility criteria. Secondly, having Australian permanent residency can potentially make it easier to obtain a work visa in the United States. It shows that you have already been granted a permanent residency in a developed country and can add significant value to your application.


Obtaining permanent residency in Australia is an arduous process that requires time and effort. While it does not immediately grant you the right to work in the United States, it can provide significant benefits if you decide to pursue employment opportunities in the country. If you’re considering working in the United States, it is advisable to consult with an immigration attorney to know your options.

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