

just do not give up, russia are then buchibuqi.只要不放弃,俄们便不离不弃。

色色,你就是我心中的那个mr.right 。我的?只属于mr.right一个人 ! .*★*. .*★ *.* ★ ★,lovexo!

do not base your happiness off someone else.不要把你的幸福寄托在其他人身上。

know, how again recover also just air.明知道,再怎么挽回也只是空气。

╰you are in my life the most warm moved.╰你是我生命中最温暖的感动。

the wind blows away the thoughts, rolled up unruly time.被风吹散的思念,卷起不羁的时间。

you can have it all. you just can not have it all at once.你可以拥有一切,只是不能一次就全到手。

sea is the upside donw sky. 海是倒过来的天。

then that be together, in the flow of unease, time is well.就那样相守,在来往的流年里,岁月安好。

bad language than lie clean one thousand times 脏话比谎话干净一千倍

forget me 忘了我

find me. love me. marry me.找到我,爱我,娶我.

happy birthday to me .happy ever day .

we do not have any choice, only run in opposite directions.我们没有任何选择的余地,只有背道而驰。

even next second we did not meet, on one second we will meet.即使下一秒我们没有相遇,上一秒我们也会相见。

luhan 有木有人喜欢?、、、

smiled and said goodbye, tears never fall.笑着说再见,眼泪决不掉。

i wanna be with you.我想要和你在一起

the sky is blue, white clouds very white, under the sun we were happy.天空很蓝,白云很白,在阳光下的我们很快乐。

love you love a good pain 爱你爱的好痛

the youth, the scenery along the way again also is just a paper elegance.青春,沿途再美的风景也只不过是一纸风华。

i think-i think too muchpain past is pleasure.过去的痛苦就是快乐

relax. breathe in deep. hold it. let it out.别紧张。深呼吸。坚持住。扛过去。

you jump,i jump. 生死相随

sorry, you are not in my mind.对不起,你不在我心里。

my love once a life,a time cost whole life.我的爱一生一次,一次一生。

do not be afraid, just like my this heart, forever is your home.别怕,就像我的这颗心,永远都是你的家。

pain setbacks pressure reminding us do not because of the lost sight and stagnation.疼痛挫折压力提醒着我们不要因为眼前的迷途而停滞不前

最后说我爱你 是我所能做的唯一 finally say i love you, yes i can do only

in the world, we have to change–世界在改变,我们也为其改变着

cause i can feel you in me 因为我可以感觉到你在我心里

and forever has no end.永永远远,永无止境.

you me you me 彼此彼此

sometimes, instead of multicore, as less jin.有时候 , 与其多心,不如少根筋。

i do not know how to love you.looking at you is the only way i know.不知道,如何爱你,看着你,是我唯一的方式。

nothing in the life is to be feared,it is only to be understood.生活中没有什么可怕的东西,只有需要理解的东西。

now, love you just the person –现在,爱的只是你这个人

i do not follow, i live is always all you want.我不会遵循,我过的生活从来都是自己想要的。

爱情这种东西,生不带来,死不带去的。love this stuff, living not bring, bring death.

is there a way never, never, ever change.有没有那样一种永远,永远永远不改变。

betray me, i will let you have nothing .出卖我,我将让你一无所有

i know the people i really care about a few.我知道 真正在乎我的没几个.

my love to you makes me heart broken 你让我爱你爱的好痛苦

when i was a child, was buried the most true most sweet smile.小时候,埋葬了最真最甜的微笑。

how are you ? how old are you? 怎么是你,怎么老是你?

the truly rich are those who enjoy what they have.真正富有的人,是那些懂得享受自己所拥有的人。

mistake is temporary regret but missing is the forever one.过错是暂时的遗憾,而错过则是永远的遗憾。

he lost heart, the ruthless gave me.他丢了心,把无情给了我。



knowledge will give you power, but character respect.

he who seize the right moment, is the right man.



nothing seek, nothing find.

no matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you.

life’s like a movie, write your own ending. keep believing, keep pretending.

what is right to be done cannot be done too soon.




youth fades. love droops. the leaves of friendship fall. a mother”s secret hope outlives them all.




energy and persistence conquer all things.




everything comes to you in the right moment. be patient. be grateful.



maybe there”s something fate can”t touch, fate doesn”t control how easily you come to peace.

the scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the keenness of the sword.

happiness is different from pleasure. happiness has something to do with struggling and enduring and accomplishing.”


1、approaching you,i get hurt,and leaving you,i will be lonely.

2、love, not with the eyes, measure, is the heart of comparison!

3、children abandoned by god 被上帝遗弃的孩子

4、i miss the old days. 我想念过去的日子。

5、all because of love together in this world and not all of them.

6、fool,the person i love best is you。傻瓜,我最爱的人就是你了。

7、the person i love is not the one in love with me 我爱的不是我的爱人。

8、music is my escape. 音乐是我逃脱的出口。

9、every story has an end, but in life every ending is a new beginning.每个故事都有个结局,但是在生活中每个结局都是新的开始。

10、você chorou muito triste, eu ri muito artificial 你哭得很难过,我却笑得很做作。

11、if this was a movie 如果这是一场电影

12、friendship is to be strengthened by truth and devotion 友谊靠真实和忠诚来巩固

13、no two people not only depends on the two heart not.

14、people tend to focus on two, for the love and career.

15、this present life and you love to the end, never separated.

16、be strong, also hurt[再坚强 也会伤]

17、if the whole world betrayed you, i will hide behind you, betraying the world.

18、promise less or do more. 要么,少承诺一点,要么,多付诸行动一点。

19、no man cool call back yesterday 【时光流逝 不可复得】

20、爱与被爱,都是种享受,to love and to be loved, it is a kind of enjoyment ~

21、真挚恋爱过的心永不忘却 the heart that once truly loves never forgets.

22、do you know, l love you【你知道吗,我爱你】

23、do not want to climb, do not want to, just want to love themselves 不想攀,不想比,只想自己爱自己

24、ever of lover, now the passers-by 【曾经的恋人,如今的路人】

25、keep long hair love red eyes through love. 留过长发爱过烂人红过眼睛看透爱情

26、what do yu think you are° 我已经不想再在意你了。

27、if break up, is a brutal tenderness 若分手,都是残忍的温柔

28、you will never be able to see me.(你永远也看不懂我)

29、i love men had married my mother. 最爱我的男人已经娶了我妈。

30、unavoidably blame time`s hands, written. love love 难免埋怨时间的手,把相爱写成相爱过

31、you would not want for a friend as long as i draw breath. 只要我活着,就永远是你的朋友.

32、one who want to wear the crown. bear the crown.欲戴王冠,必承其重.

33、love is a kind of faith, to bring you back to me.

34、your smile is the cutest thing i have ever seen in my life. 你的微笑是我这辈子见过最可爱的东西

35、the world makes way for the man who knows where he is going.i can spoil you also can change for you.我可以惯着你 也可以换了你。

36、life is like an ice cream. enjoy it before it melts. 生活就像奇彩炫,请在它融化前,及时享受。

37、he is no longer my world, because my world collapsed.他不再是我的世界,因为我的世界已塌陷。


hello, march, please be good to me.你好,四月,请对我好点。

if i could make days last forever 如果我能把时间化作永恒

if you feel sad for buring it in your heart, then just smile and let it go. 如果放在心里会觉得难过,那么就请微笑着放手吧。

morgen, die zukunft, die sich zuerst?明天 、未来 ,哪一个会先到。

you are in my heart.你在我心里

don’t be easy to get, or you’ll be easy to forget. 不要轻易让人得到你,不然你会很容易被忘记。

i just want to be free in my world. 我只想在我的世界里,自由自在

no one indebted for others, while many people don’t know how to cherish others.没有谁对不起谁,只要谁不明白爱惜谁。

never frown,even when you are sad.纵然伤心,也不要愁眉苦展


my first thought is always you. 我第一个想到的,永远是你。

you are the one,in particular.i care,i treasure. 你是唯一,是特定的。我在乎,我珍惜。

the more you care, the more you have to losebetter to light one candle than to curse the darkness.( 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。)

miss a person, two people of the picture. 一个人的想念,两个人的画面。

believe is one kind of love. for loving you, so i believe you —— 信任也是一种爱。爱你,所以相信

delay is the deadliest form of denial.

for every love there is a heart to receive it.每一份爱,总会有一颗心会感受到。

wise man have their mouths in their hearts, fools have their hearts in their mouths!(智者嘴在心里,愚者心在嘴里。)

you made my life ,holly,but i‘m just one chapter in yours 你完整了我的人生,但我却只是你人生中的过客。

thank you for standing behind me感谢你一直支持著我

in the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing※ love is a joke smile dead somenoe huyts himself/爱是一个笑话 笑死了别人 笑疼了自己。

making love out of nothing at all 【让爱一切成空】

i want to kiss you my baby我要亲吻你我的爱人

time cut scar is called growth.时间划破的伤疤叫做成长。

never underestimate your power to change yourself!( 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力!)

live your life and forget your age.过你的日子,别去想你过了的日子

for you, i came into this world. 为了你,我来到了这个世界上。

i am not rejecting you, i am protecting me.我不是在拒绝你,我是在保护我自己。

if love, time and distance, will not hinder.若爱,时间和距离,都不会是阻碍。

my attitude is based on how you treat me. 我对你的态度取决于你怎么对待我。

life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. 生活一直都很简单,但是我们也一直都忍不住要把它变得很复杂。

everything happens for a reason.这个世界,没有偶然

i just need someone who never lets me down-我只是需要一个永远不会放弃我的人

all or nothing, now or never 。要么没有,要么全部。要么现在,要么永不。

is it possible you still love me?the ones that love us never really leave us, and you can always find them in..here.那些愛我們的人其實從未離去,妳可以在妳的心裏找到他們。

i am on my way to future, where you are there. 我要去有你的未来。

being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship.比起谈着充满欺骗的恋爱,单身反而更好

i like a lot of people.but i only love you .我可以喜欢很多人,但我只爱你一个.

we share so much together我们分享生命中的每一天

you not feel consumes me how many tears. 你一句没感觉 消耗了我多少眼泪。

love does not require you to be perfect, but it does require you to be forgivingvictory wonot come to me unless i go to ityou will never understand why i have that mighty proud (你们永远不懂,我为何拥有不可一世的骄傲 )

trust is the easiest thing in the world to lose,and the hardest thing in the world to get back.信任是這個世界上最容易失去的東西,也是最難挽回的東西

nothing can be more beauitful than the smile free from tears!

is to save every day until eternity passes away把每一天都存下来直到永恒

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