可爱的外表英文(用了这么多年的cute 原来用错了)

可爱的外表英文。All right. Time to read some of my viewers comments. Let’s see.好。是时候读一下观众的评论了。我们来看看。”You are cute.” Alright. Let’s get this straight.“你真可爱。”好吧


All right. Time to read some of my viewers comments. Let’s see.好。是时候读一下观众的评论了。我们来看看。”You are cute.” Alright. Let’s get this straight.“你真可爱。”好吧,我们直说吧。The word “cute” is predominantly used to describe the sweet look of an animal or a little child.Cute 这个词主要用来描述动物或小孩的可爱外表。The term is sometimes used to describe an adult, but only in informal situations between close friends and lovers.这个词有时也用来形容成年人,但仅限于亲密朋友和爱人之间的非正式场合。Generally describing someone you find physically appealing as cute in British English is just a bit err.在英式英语中,把一个人形容为 cute 是不对的。And with so many other wonderful options to choose from, why continue to use such a childish term?既然还有那么多其他的好选择,为什么还要继续用这样一个幼稚的词呢?So, I’m going to give you 10 alternatives to the word “cute” and I invite you to write any additional options down in the comments below then take some time to read some of the other comments and give a thumbs up to the ones that you like.我将教你们十个词来代替 cute,请你们在下面的评论中写下任何其他可代替的词,然后花点时间阅读其他的评论,并为喜欢的评论点赞。Here goes.我们开始吧。Number one: you’re adorable.第一个:you’re adorable(可爱)。To adore someone is similar to loving them.爱慕某人就像爱他们。So, if someone makes you feel a sense of love every time you see them, then you could call them adorable.所以,如果有人让你每次看到他们都有爱的感觉,那么你可以说他们 adorable。Number two: you’re lovely.第二个:you’re lovely(可爱)。Saying someone is lovely is like calling someone nice.说某人 lovely 就像说某人很好。We use this adjective to describe many things, including people.我们用这个形容词来形容很多事情,包括人。For example, “We had a lovely day, eating a lovely meal with Jennifer. She is lovely.” Number three: you’re very endearing.例如,“我们度过了美好的一天,和詹妮弗一起吃了一顿美餐。她很可爱。”第三个:you’re very endearing(讨人喜欢)。Endearing means inspiring affection similar to adorable.Endearing 的意思是激发出爱慕的感情。An endearing person is someone who makes you feel fond of them.讨人喜欢的人是让你喜欢他们的人。Number four: you’re charming.第四个:you’re charming(迷人)。Think of Prince Charming, a very pleasant and attractive person.想想白马王子,一个非常讨人喜欢和有魅力的人。Have you been charmed by anyone recently? Do you have a charming smile?你最近被谁迷住了吗?你的笑容迷人吗?Number five: you’re sweet.第五个:you’re sweet(甜美)。An adjective often used to describe the pleasing taste of sugar.一个形容词,常用来形容糖的美味。Sweet can also be used to describe something or someone who is pleasing, kind, or thoughtful.Sweet 也可以用来形容令人愉快、亲切或体贴的事物或人。For example, “My neighbour is sweet. She often waters my flowers when I’m away and baked me a cake for my birthday.” Number six: you’re delightful.例如,“我的邻居很可爱。我不在的时候,她经常给我浇花,为我的生日烤蛋糕。”第六个:you’re delightful(令人愉快)。A delightful person is a person full of delight and they often make everyone around them smile.一个令人愉快的人是一个充满喜悦的人,他们经常使周围的人微笑。Number seven: you’re engaging.第七个:you’re engaging(迷人)。To be engaging means to attract and hold someone’s attention with your charm.迷人是指用你的魅力吸引并抓住某人的注意力。For example, “A good film is engaging, a talented singer is engaging, you simply cannot take your eyes off them.” Number eight: you’re enchanting.例如,“一部好电影引人入胜,一位有才华的歌手引人注意,你根本无法把目光从他们身上移开。”第八个:you’re enchanting(迷人)。To enchant someone is to put them under a spell.迷住某人就是用咒语把人迷住。Therefore, if you are enchanting then people will be mesmerised by you, attracted to you as if by magic.因此,如果你很迷人,那么人们就会被你迷住,被你吸引,就像被魔法吸引一样。Number nine: you’re captivating.第九个:you’re captivating(迷人)。Along the same lines as enchanting, we have captivating.Captivating 的意思和 enchanting 相近。To be captive is to be a prisoner, to be held unable to free yourself.被俘虏就是被囚禁,被囚禁而无法释放自己。So, if a person is captivating, you cannot stop looking at them, you cannot free yourself from wanting to be near them.所以,如果一个人很迷人,你就无法停止注视他们,你无法摆脱想要靠近他们的欲望。And finally, number ten: you’re beautiful.最后,第十个:you’re beautiful(美丽)。It’s such a beautiful word, “beautiful”.这是一个很美丽的词,beautiful。And it means pleasing to the senses, a person may be beautiful to look at and therefore pleasing to the eye.它的意思是感官上的愉悦,一个人可能看起来很漂亮,因此赏心悦目。They may have a beautiful voice, pleasing to the ear.他们可能有一把好听的声音,悦耳动听。They may have a beautiful personality pleasing to the mind and soul.他们可能有一个美丽的个性愉悦的心灵和灵魂。So now, you know ten attractive alternatives.现在,你们已经学习了十个表示“吸引”的同义词了。You can reserve the word “cute” for this and this.形容这个和这个,你还是可以用 cute。So cute.真可爱。For more English lessons, hit that Subscribe button and turn on Notification. Ding Dang!要上更多英语课,点击订阅按钮并打开通知。叮咚!But for now, go and put the kettle on. Let’s have a brew.现在,去烧一壶水吧。我们来喝一杯茶。You can’t beat a proper cup of English tea, English breakfast tea.一杯正宗的英式茶,英式早餐茶,简直是无与伦比。I’ll see you later. Bye.晚些见,拜。

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