斐济护照是大白菜吗英文,Fiji Passport A Bargain or a Steal



The %ign%ignore_a_1%e_a_1% passport is a document issued by the government of Fiji to its citizens that allows them to travel to other countries. Recently, there has been a debate about whether the Fiji passport is a bargain or a steal. In this article, we will yze the advantages and disadvantages of having a Fiji passport and its value compared to other passports.

The Advantages of Having a Fiji Passport

The Fiji passport allows its holder to travel to more than 131 countries without a visa, including Singapore, Hong Kong, and many countries in the Caribbean. This is a significant advantage as it makes travel more accessible and visa-free travel can save both time and money. Additionally, Fiji is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, which means that Fijians can apply for a United Kingdom visa more easily.

The Disadvantages of Having a Fiji Passport

The Fiji passport has its disadvantages, especially when it comes to travel to developed countries. Fiji is not part of the Schengen Area, which is a group of 26 European countries that have abolished passport and other types of border control at their mutual borders. This means that Fijians need to apply for a visa to enter most Schengen countries. Moreover, obtaining a visa can be a lengthy and expensive process, as many western countries require additional documentation and interviews.

The Cost of a Fiji Passport

The cost of obtaining a Fiji passport is USD $120. This is relatively low compared to many other passports, including those from developed countries. The low cost is advantageous for the Fijian citizens who may not have significant financial resources or to those who would like a second passport for making travel and work easier.

The Value of a Fiji Passport Compared to Other Passports

The value of a passport is determined by the number of countries it allows the holder to visit visa-free or with a visa on arrival. According to the latest Henley Passport Index, which ranks passports based on the number of destinations that their holders can access without a prior visa, the Fiji passport ranks 74th in the world, with over 131 countries accessible without prior visas. In comparison, the United States passport ranks 7th, with over 184 countries accessible without prior visas. So, when compared to other passports, the Fiji passport may not be a bargain but also not a steal either.

The Validity of a Fiji Passport

The Fiji passport has a lifespan of ten years, and once it expires, the holder must apply for a new passport. The renewal fee is $60. It is essential to note that even if the passport has not yet expired, some countries may require a particular validity period (usually six months) before allowing entry.


All in all, the Fiji passport may be a bargain or a steal depending on the intended use and destination. Citizens of Fiji can enjoy the benefits of visa-free travel to over 131 countries with their passport, but often need visas to travel to developed countries requiring additional documentation, interviews, and costs. The low cost of a Fiji passport may make it an attractive option for those who may not have significant financial resources or those who wish to have a second passport. Ultimately, the value of a passport is determined by the number of countries it grants access to, and it should be assessed based on the individual’s travel plans and needs.

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