
提高销量英语。外刊高频词10讲第一讲:embrace/debut1. embrace /ɪmˈbreɪs/* 用词根词缀法学习embrace词根brace,来自法语,意思是arms(双臂)词缀em-是英语中一个常见的前缀,现在经常用在形容词或名词前,把一个词动词化,意思是put in or into




1. embrace /ɪmˈbreɪs/

* 用词根词缀法学习embrace


词缀em-是英语中一个常见的前缀,现在经常用在形容词或名词前,把一个词动词化,意思是put in or into,把……放到……里面。

所以embrace的基本含义就是put something into one’s arms(把……放到一个人的双臂或者怀抱里)。

1 vt. 拥抱

embrace your lover 拥抱爱人 embrace your children 拥抱孩子

* embrace和hug的区别



2 vt. 欣然接受,接纳(to accept something willingly and enthusiastically)

embrace a new idea 接受一个新的想法 embrace a proposal 欣然接受一个提议

embrace the latest technology 欣然接受新兴科技

China has embraced Western fashion as its economy boomed in recent decades.

③ vt. 包含,涉及(可替换include)

Our talk embraced/included a wide range of topics.


1. 自1983年起,爱尔兰已经接受了离婚、同性婚姻以及首位同性恋领导人。

2. 如果企业拥抱多样性,那每个人都会是赢家。

2. debut /ˈdeɪbju/

① n. 初次亮相,处女秀(the first public appearance of sb or sth)

the debut of a movie star 一个电影明星的处女秀 the debut of a show 某个演出的首映

the debut of a product 一个产品的问世

the 25th anniversary of its television debut 电视荧幕首秀25周年纪念

* 一个常用的动宾搭配make one’s/a debut

Mei Lanfang made his debut at the age of 10.梅兰芳在10岁的时候首次登台。

Chinese video streaming service iQiyi made a rocky US stock market debut.中国视频流媒体服务商爱奇艺在美股上市,首日表现不稳。

video streaming service Tencent 腾讯视频 video streaming service Youku 优酷视频

video streaming service Netflix 网飞

3 vi. 首次登台,首次亮相

Mei Lanfang debuted at the age of 10.

③ vt. 推出(新产品)

debut a product 首次推出某个产品

Ralph Lauren debuted its autumn collection in Paris yesterday.拉夫·劳伦昨天在巴黎推出了它的秋装系列。


1. 章子怡在春晚首次献出了自己的歌喉。

2. 这部百老汇音乐剧去年首次演出就受到了广泛赞扬。


1. Since 1983 Ireland has embraced divorce, same-sex marriage and its first gay leader.

2. When companies embrace diversity, everybody wins.


1. Zhang Ziyi made her singing debut in the Spring Festival Gala.

2. The Broadway musical debuted last year to great acclaim.

第二讲 feature/fuel

1. feature /ˈfiːtʃə, ˈfiːtʃər/

① n. 特征,特征;报纸或者杂志的特写报告,电视节目上的特辑专栏、专题节目

One of the phone’s features is the ultra-long standby time.一台手机的特色之一是超长待机。

feature story 专题报道

② vt. include something as an important part

* A features B: B不仅仅是A的一部分,而且是A的very important part

The phone features ultra-long standby time.

* feature是include或者have在某些具体语境下的上位替代词

* feature不一定要翻译成”主打”

The literary festivals will feature Shakespeare’s poetic works.莎士比亚诗作是这些文学节的重要特色。

The original ‘Star Trek’ series features William Shatner as Captain Kirk.威廉·沙特纳在《星际迷航》中扮演/饰演科科队长。


1. 他的小说主要讲述了一段感人的爱情故事。

2. 这个节目重点介绍当下的体坛快讯和娱乐新闻。

2. fuel /ˈfjuːəl/

① n. 燃料

green fuel 绿色燃料 fossil fuel 化石燃料

add fuel to the fire 给……火上浇油

The seller added fuel to the fire by sending me a dress of the wrong size.店家寄过来的裙子尺码不对,让我更生气了。

② v.(给车辆等)加油或燃料

You need to fuel up at the gas station.需要到加油站给车加油了。

4 vt. 加强,刺激(to increase sth, or to make sth stronger)

fuel demand 刺激需求 fuel rumours 助长谣传 fuel speculation 加剧猜测

Unfulfilled New Year’s resolutions can fuel our anxiety.如果新年下的决心完不成会刺激我们的焦虑。

* 与cause和lead to的区别

cause和lead to是从0到1,从无到有的过程


Climate change is being fuelled by soil damage土壤破坏加剧了气候变化

在写作中遇到A加剧了B的情形,就可以用A fuels B或者B is being fuelled by A


1. 总统的讲话加剧了人们认为她准备辞职的猜测。

2. 受内需持续上涨的刺激,该国的经济繁荣发展。


1. His novel features a moving love story.

2. The programme features current news in sports and entertainment.


1. The president’s speech fuelled speculation that she is about to resign.

2. The country’s economy is booming, fuelled by rising domestic demand.

第三讲 prompt/cuase

1. prompt /prɒmpt, prɑːmpt/

* 可以表示因果关系的词汇或短语:make/cause/lead to

* 英文释义:it means to make sb decide to do sth or to cause sth to happen

* 两个层面的用法:宾语是人或者由人组成的机构,表示”促使某人决定做某事”;宾语是事物,表示”导致某件事情发生”

① 宾语是人或者由人组成的机构,表示”促使某人决定做某事”

常见搭配:prompt sb to do sth

What prompted you to buy this suit?是什么原因让你买了这套西装?

* cause和lead to及prompt的区别

lead to和prompt后面可以跟不好的结果,也可以跟中性的结果;但cause尤其跟指不好的结果,其英文释义是:to make something happen, especially something bad

This phenomenon prompted the local government to dispatch 25 officials to investigate.


② 宾语是事物,表示”导致某件事情发生”

prompt an investigation 引起调查 prompt protests 引发抗议 prompt speculation 引起猜测

These incidents prompted widespread condemnation.这些事件引发了广泛谴责。


请用prompt替换下面句子中的cause或者lead to

1. The policy changes have caused great uncertainty for the workforce.

2. The long hot summer led to serious water shortages.

2. counterpart /ˈkaʊntəpɑːt, ˈkaʊntərpɑːrt/

* 用词根词缀法学习counterpart




* 英文释义:someone or something that has the same job or purpose as someone or something else in a different place


· 二者职位或功能相同

· 和比较对象所处的环境不一样

French President Emmanuel Macron met with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin last week.


* 在写作中,使用counterpart可以避免重复

Eighteenth-century urban dwellers lived in much worse conditions than their modern counterparts.


American law firms are much more profitable than their British counterparts.美国律师事务所的收益要比英国的律所好得多。


1. 中国官员正在与美国同级官员举行会谈。

2. 福克斯主播翠西·里根(Trish Regan)准备在贸易战辩论中向中国主持人刘欣”甩事实”。

Fox anchor Trish Regan prepares to “sling facts” in a trade war debate with Chinese host Liu Xin.


1. The policy changes have prompted great uncertainty for the workforce.

2. The long hot summer prompted serious water shortages.


1. The Chinese officials are holding talks with their American counterparts.

2. Fox anchor Trish Regan prepares to “sling facts” in a trade war debate with her Chinese counterpart Liu Xin.


在本节课中,你将分别学到表示”下降”的wane和表示”上升”的boost:wane作动词时和decrease/decline的区别,以及作名词时的固定搭配on the wane;boost可以替代哪些表示”上升”的词,以及作动词时的常见搭配。

1. wane /weɪn/

* 可以表示数据降低、数量减少的词:


* wane可以用来描述权力减弱、热情衰退、人气降低等抽象意义上的下降

* wane可以追溯到古德语的wan,表示”缺少”、”不足”,也就是lacking

① vi. (月亮)开始形成残月,亏缺

The moon is bright or dim and she may wax or wane.月有阴晴圆缺。

wax and wane 月亮的阴晴圆缺

② vi. (权力、影响力、兴趣、感觉等)逐渐消退(if something such as power, influence, or a feeling wanes, it becomes gradually less strong or less important)

His passion for his girlfriend is waning.他对女朋友的热情逐渐消退了。

* wane和decrease/decline的区别


Apple acknowledged that demand for iPhones is waning.苹果公司承认,人们对iPhone的需求正在下降。

* waning adj. 正在衰退的

waning popularity 正在下降的名气 waning economy 陷入衰退的经济

waning consumer confidence 消费者信心日渐不足

③ n. on the wane (权力、人气等)衰落,减弱

Apple acknowledged that demand for iPhones is on the wane.苹果公司承认,人们对iPhone的需求正在下降。


1. 看到信用卡账单的那一刻,我脸上的笑容逐渐消失了。

2. 自不久前爆出抄袭丑闻,这位作家的人气便江河日下了。

2. boost /buːst/

* boost是increase、grow、add的完美上位替代词

* boost的本质是”推力”:to help someone reach a higher place by lifting or pushing them

① n. 提振;提升的增量

You got a morale boost from your leader’s promises.领导的承诺让你士气大振。

morale /məˈrɑːl/ n. 士气

② vt. if you boost something, you cause it to increase, improve, or to be more successful

Your leader’s promises boosted your morale.领导的承诺让你士气大振。

* boost是一个正能量的词

boost morale 提振士气 boost confidence 增加信心

boost economy 促进经济 boost sales 提高销量

* boost频频在经济类话题或者与数据相关的文章中出现

The IMF called on governments to be bolder with their fiscal spending to boost growth.


IMF 国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund的缩写)

fiscal spending /ˈfɪskəl/ (国家)财政支出

In 1955, the government introduced simpler characters in the hope of boosting literacy.


literacy n. 读写能力

illiteracy n. 文盲

illiteracy rate 文盲率


1. 我们需要一场胜利来提振信心。

2. 调低票价后,这家电影院成功提升了观影人数。


1. The smile on my face waned the moment I saw my credit card bill.

2. The popularity of the writer has been on the wane since the scandal of plagiarism.


1. We need a victory to boost our confidence.

2. The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices.



1. appeal /əˈpiːl/

* 利用词源来学appeal

appeal的来源之一是法语的appeler(召唤、呼唤,to call or to summon),它的三个看似风马牛不相及的义项,都可以从这个词源上找到依据。

· 呼吁,恳求 ← 一个人召唤一群人做一件事

· 上诉 ← 一个人向法庭发起召唤

· 吸引 ← 一个物体或某个人,它仿佛在向你发起召唤,让你忍不住想注意它、看它

* appeal作动词时的两大使用原则



appeal to sb 向某人发出呼吁

appeal to the court 向法庭上诉

He appeals to me. 他吸引了我。

① 呼吁(v./n.)

Many people appeal to their friends for donations through WeChat.


make/launch an appeal to sb (for sth) (为……)向……发起呼吁

Many people make an appeal to their friends for donations through WeChat.


② 上诉/申诉(v./n.)

Google appeals (to a court) against EU’s €2.4bn fine谷歌就欧盟的24亿欧元罚款提起上诉

appeal against sth 对……提起上诉

appeal against a sentence 对某项判决提起上诉 appeal against a charge 对某项指控提起上诉

make/file an appeal (to the court) (向法庭)提起诉讼/申诉

Google files an appeal against EU’s €2.4bn fine 谷歌就欧盟的24亿欧元罚款提起上诉

③ 吸引(v.);吸引力(n. = attractiveness)

A variety show named The Big Band appeals to many audiences.最近《乐队的夏天》这档综艺栏目吸引了很多观众。

have a very wide appeal 广受欢迎 lose appeal 失去吸引力

The U.S. is losing its appeal for foreign students 美国正在失去对海外留学生的吸引力。


1. 名人们纷纷呼吁公众向受灾地区捐献衣物和毛毯。

2. 去国外工作的这个想法对许多人来说很有吸引力。

2. viral /ˈvaɪərəl, ˈvaɪrəl/

① adj. 病毒性的,和病毒有关的(来自virus)

viral infection 病毒感染

② adj. 像病毒传播一样快速扩散的

viral topics on Weibo 微博热搜话题 viral videos on the Internet 网络热门视频

* go viral 像病毒传播一般快速扩散,走红(if something goes viral,it spreads quickly and widely on the Internet)

The video went viral after it was retweeted by a celebrity.这段视频被一位名人转发后迅速走红。

Earlier this week, different versions of this story went viral on social media.


How come the TV show “A Little Reunion” just go viral like this?为什么《小欢喜》这部剧这么火?

China’s male beauty vloggers go viral as gender attitudes shift随着性别态度的变化,中国男性美妆博主走红

* go viral on + 平台名称: 在……平台上走红

go viral on TikTok 在抖音上走红 go viral on Weibo 在微博上走红

go viral on the Internet 在网络上走红 go viral on social media 在社交媒体上走红

* 两个和viral一样简单又好用的小词:

① handy /ˈhændi/ adj. 方便的,有用的(useful or convenient)

It’ll come in handy someday.它说不定哪天就会排上用场。

② fly /flaɪ/ vi. 飞 n. 苍蝇 adj. 时髦的,吸引人的(very fashionable and attractive)

He is super fly.他真是个时髦boy!


1. Celebrities are appealing for clothes and blankets to send to the devastated region.

2. The idea of working abroad really appeals to many people.

第六讲 mark/diverse


1. mark /mɑːk, mɑːrk/

* mark作名词可以表示”标记”、”分数”、”符号”和”污点”等

* mark作动词时在写作中的两个用法

October 1 is the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China.


① 和时间搭配,表示”某年、某月或某日,标志……的发生”

June 25 marked the 10th anniversary of pop king Michael Jackson’s death.


② 和事件搭配,表示”一个事件标志着某个人的重要变化或者某件事的发展阶段”

A marks the end of an era: A标志着一个时代的结束

Graduating from college marked an important milestone in many people’s lives.

The latest novel marks a turning point in her development as a writer.

* mark还可以标志着某种改变

The move marks a major change in government policy.这一行动标志着政府政策的重大改变。


1. 今天是我父母结婚25周年纪念日。

2. 新一轮关税标志着美国外交政策的变化。

2. diverse /daɪˈvɜːs, daɪˈvɜːrs/

* 可以表示”不一样”的词:


* diverse adj. 多元的,多样的(including many different types of people or things)

① different强调两者或者多者之间存在差异

We’re different.咱俩是不一样的。

② diverse和various描述的往往是一个比较大的群体,强调的是这些群体由许多不一样的个体组成

③ diverse和various的使用区别



London is a very diverse city.伦敦是一座多元的城市。

London has various attractions.伦敦有着各种各样的景点。

The movie was lauded by critics for its diverse cast and African setting.


a. 如果用different,意思是《黑豹》剧组和其他剧组做比较,二者的演员阵容不一样

b. 如果用various,意思是《黑豹》有好几套不一样的演员班子


1. 纽约是一座有着多元文化的城市。

2. 美国的人口十分多元。


1. Today marks my parents’ 25th anniversary.

2. A new round of tariffs marks/marked a change in US foreign policy.


1. New York is a culturally diverse city.

2. The US population is very diverse.

第七讲 shrink/rival

1. shrink /ʃrɪŋk/

① v. (物理层面上)(使)变小,缩小(to become smaller, or to make something smaller)

My shirt shrank in the wash.我有一件衬衫在洗的时候缩水了。

* shrink的过去式和过去分词:shrank、shrunk

Have you shrunk? You look so much thinner!你这是缩水了吗?你看上去瘦了好多哦!

② vi. (数量、规模、价值等)缩减

The company’s marketing spending shrank by 20% this year.今年公司的市场开支缩减了20%。

German economy shrinks as “golden decade” comes to an end.随着”黄金十年”接近尾声,德国经济萎缩

③ vt. 使……减少

The boost in productivity has shrunk our costs from $5.5 million to $1.25 million.


* 《经济学人》标题举例

How to shrink a city

How to shrink banks

How to shrink a surplus

How to shrink the world

④ vi. 畏缩,退缩,逃避(to move back and away from something, especially because you are frightened)

* 这个义项几乎总是搭配副词或介词出现,最常见的是shrink from sth

We shouldn’t shrink from our responsibilities at work.我们在工作中不应该逃避责任。


1. 第二季度,美国农业产量下降了0.4%。

2. 逃避是无法解决问题的。

2. rival /ˈraɪvəl/

① n. 竞争对手

* rival和river的关联



* 常见搭配

main rival 主要竞争对手 bitter rival 死敌

nearest/closest rival 实力最接近的对手 arch-rival 劲敌,强敌

McDonald’s is KFC’s arch-rival in China. 麦当劳是肯德基在中国最大的竞争对手。

② vt. 可与……媲美/匹敌(to be as good or important as someone or something else)

The latest artificial intelligence products could rival human in many ways.


The hotel offers a luxury experience to rival any.这家酒店提供了无与伦比的奢侈体验。

* unrivalled /ʌnˈraɪvəld/ adj. 无可匹敌的,无与伦比的

The hotel offers an unrivalled luxury experience.这家酒店提供了无与伦比的奢侈体验。


1. 我们学校的设施堪比哈佛和耶鲁。

2. 这个城市的美景冠绝天下。


1. US agricultural output shrank by 0.4% in second quarter.

2. You can’t solve the problem by shrinking away from it.


1. Our school’s facilities rival those of Harvard and Yale.

2. The city boasts spectacular views that can rival any.

第8讲 yield/endure

1. yield /jiːld/

* 可以表示”产生,生产”的词:produce/generate/yield

① n. 农作物的产量;产物

Favourable weather can improve the yield of the crop. 好天气带来了好收成。

② n. 利润;收益

high yield 高产;高收益 low yield 低产;低收益

a year with yields staying at low historical levels 这一年的收益处于历史较低水平

③ vt. 产生,得出(某种收益或结果)(to produce or deliver a result or gain)

But if the compromise plan does not yield results, many things could happen.


yield fruits 结出果实 yield returns 产生收益 yield results 产生结果

④ vi. 屈服,让步(if you yield to someone or something, you stop resisting them)

The Western powers now yielded when they should have resisted.西方大国在本该反抗的时候却屈服了。

* 常见搭配:yield to sth

I yielded to temptation and had a chocolate bar.我经不住诱惑,吃了一大块巧克力。

A yields to B: A屈服于B,A给B让步

⑤ vi. 替代,取代

A yields to B = A is replaced by B: A被B替代,A被B取代

Apple 7 yielded to Apple 8.苹果7被苹果8取代了。

Laughter quickly yielded to amazement as the show went on.随着节目的进行,笑声很快平息,取而代之的是惊叹声。


1. 这类投资会带来直接的现金回报。

2. endure /ɪnˈdʒʊə, ɪnˈdjʊr, ɪnˈdʊr/

* 用词根词缀法学习endure




① vi. 存续、持续很长一段时间(to continue to exist for a long time)

* endure和last的区别



Our friendship endures over many years.我们的友谊保持了很多年。

② vt. 经历,经受(to suffer something difficult, unpleasant, or painful)

用法:endure (doing) sth

endure a misfortune 厄运当头

She couldn’t endure being apart from her lover.她无法忍受和男友分离。

* 由endure衍生的两个形容词

① endurable adj. 可经受的

* 由”经受”衍生而来

* if a bad situation is endurable, you can accept or bear it, even though it is difficult or painful

The bonding of patients with physicians often makes the unendurable endurable.


② enduring adj. 持久的,经久不衰的

* 由”存续”衍生而来

* 和lasting近义

Our friendship is truly enduring.我们的友谊持续了很多年。


1. 今年冬天天气很冷,但倒也还能忍受。

2. 莎士比亚的诗作有着经久不衰的影响。


1. Such investments yield direct cash returns.

2. It is expected to yield about $6bn in revenues this year.


1. This winter is chilly, but it is still endurable.

2. Shakespeare’s poetic works boast enduring significance.

第九讲 emerge/commit

1. emerge /ɪˈmɜːdʒ, ɪˈmɜːrdʒ/

① vi. 出现(to appear or come out from somewhere);浮出水面,流传开来

* 后面常加介词from

The sun emerged from behind the clouds.太阳从云层后面出来了。

Facts/Truth emerged.事实/真相浮出水面。

News emerged.消息四起。

Devastating news shock the American public over the weekend, as stories emerged of back-to-back mass shootings.


* stories/news emerged of/that…,避免头重脚轻

News emerged that the Arctic was on fire.最近出现了关于北极起火的新闻。

② vi. 从困境中摆脱出来,挺过来(to come out of a difficult experience)

* 后面常加介词from

* 有时还会加形容词或名词,表示挺过来的状态

She emerged from the divorce a stronger person.她离婚之后变得更坚强了。

③ vi. 崭露头角,初现端倪(to begin to be known or noticed);(新事物)兴起

* 通常和as一起使用

He emerged in 1990s as a movie star.他在90年代崭露头角,成为了电影明星。

Live streaming is emerging as a hot trend.直播行业火了,成了热门趋势。


1. 真相迟早会水落石出。

2. 有越来越多的迹象表明经济将最终摆脱萧条。

2. commit /kəˈmɪt/

① vt. 做(违法或错误的事),犯(罪、错)(to do something illegal or something that is considered wrong)

commit murder 犯杀人罪 commit rape 犯强奸罪

commit suicide 自杀(to kill oneself deliberately)

② v. 承诺(to promise sincerely that you will definitely do sth);致力于(to give your time, or money to a particular principle or plan of action)

用法1:commit (sb/oneself) to (doing) sth

The plan also commits to spending €110m to set up repositories of data.该计划承诺花费1亿欧元建立数据存储系统。

* 类似用法:dedicate/devote oneself to (doing) sth

用法2:be committed to (doing) sth

* 类似用法有be dedicated/devoted to (doing) sth,意为to give a lot of your time and effort to a particular activity.

Teachers at YLYK are fully

dedicated/devoted/committed to English education.友邻优课的老师们都全身心投入英语教育中。

③ v. (感情上)承诺或忠于(a person/relationship)

I love a woman who is fully committed to another man.



1. 英国政府仍在致力于尽快完成协议脱欧。

2. 像许多男人一样,他也存在用情不专的问题。


1. Eventually the truth will emerge.

2. There is growing evidence that the economy is at last emerging from recession.


1. The UK government is still committed to leaving the EU with a deal as soon as possible.

2. Like many men, he has problems committing himself to a relationship.

第十讲 alternative/available

1. alternative /ɒlˈtɜːnətɪv, ɑːlˈtɜːrnətɪv/

我没有其他选择,只能让你离开。I have no choice/option/alternative but to ask you to leave.

① have no alternative but to do sth 除了……之外,别无选择(等于have no choice/option but to do sth)

I have no alternative but to move to a cheaper place.除了搬到租金低一点的房子,我别无选择。

② n. 其他选择,替代品(something different from the one that you already have, and can be done or used instead)

Experts consider e-cigarettes a safer alternative to conventional cigarettes.在专家看来,电子烟是比传统香烟更安全的替代品。

alternative to sth ……的替代品

③ adj. 可供选择的,可以替代……的(something alternative is different from what you already have, and can be done or used instead)

an alternative plan 另一个计划 an alternative method 其他方法 alternative suggestions 其他建议

Creating an alternative app ecosystem to Google’s Android is only one part of the challenge.


* alternative在作形容词时所修饰的名词,后面也可以加介词to,用来引出这个名词可以取代的对象

Do you have an alternative solution? 你有没有别的解决办法?


1. 多国央行已经开始寻找可以替代美元的货币。

2. 英国现在只有不到两周的时间来说服其他27个欧盟成员国,让他们相信自己还有其他可选方案。

2. available /əˈveɪləbəl/

① adj. 有空的(if someone is available, they are not busy and therefore able to do something)

Are you available tonight?你今天晚上有空吗?

② adj. 单身的(not currently involved in a romantic relationship)

Is she available?她是单身吗?

③ adj. 可用的,可获得的(something that is available is able to be used or can easily be bought or found)

Chinese tourists dislike foreign holidays on which the only food available is Chinese.


But now that pretty much all of the brands are available in China.


But the deals are available only to members of Prime, a subscription service.交易仅对订阅服务Prime的会员开放。

* available的两个常见搭配

① available for sth 某物可用于……

available land for construction 可建设用地

available for sale 可供出售

available for use 可加以利用

② be available to do sth 可以用来做某事

Funds are available to assist teachers who want to attend the conference. 想参加大会的教师可获得资助。

Since 1978, the amount of money available to buy books has fallen by 17%. 自1978年以来,可供买书的钱已减少了17%。


1. The app of YLYK is available on app store.

2. 这个地区有许多就业机会。


1. The central banks of a number of countries have already begun to look for an alternative to the US dollar.

2. Britain now has under two weeks to convince the 27 members of the EU that it has an alternative path.


1. 在应用商店中,你可以下载到友邻优课的APP(应用程序)。

2. There are plenty of jobs available in the area.

第十一讲:access /accessible


Cess/cede =go away走

1. access /ˈækses/

①n.~ (to sth) a way of entering or reaching a place 通道;通路;入径

The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. 去那农舍的唯一通路是穿过田野。

The police gained access through a broken window. 警察从一扇破窗户里钻了进去。

②n.~ (to sth) the opportunity or right to use sth or to see sb/sth (使用或见到的)机会,权利

Students must have access to good resources. 学生必须有机会使用好的资源。

You need a password to get access to the computer system. 使用这个计算机系统需要口令。

access to confidential information 接触机密情报的机会

Journalists were denied access to the President. 记者被挡住,无法见到总统。

Many divorced fathers only have access to their children at weekends. 很多离婚父亲只有在周末才有权见到自己的孩子


The loft can be accessed by a ladder. 搭梯子可以上阁楼。

2. accessible /əkˈsesəbl/ adj.

1 可到达的;可接近的;可进入的;可使用的;可见到的

The remote desert area is accessible only by helicopter. 只有乘直升机才能进入那遥远的荒漠地区。

These documents are not accessible to the public. 公众无法看到这些文件。

2 easy to understand 容易理解的;易懂的

a programme making science more accessible to young people 一项使科学更容易为年轻人所了解的计划

3 ( of a person 人 ) easy to talk to and get to know 易接近的;易相处的;易打交道的


1. 应该让小孩子总能河道新鲜干净的水。

2. 只有有学校学生卡的学生才能去图书馆。

3. 这座小岛只有乘船才能到。


3. children should always have access to fresh and clean water.

4. Only students with the school ID card can have access to the libray.

5. The island is only accessible by boat.


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